The Second Saturday October

In each and every season, there is a color, feeling and emotion attached to the time she embraces.

For me, and many others, the smokey red and oranges of autumn wrap me up in a cool season warmth I have seldom known in any other region of the world. The dappled quilt, hand stitch by creation herself, is fluffed, stitched and laid upon these ancient hills for each of us to enjoy, and savor for just a few short weeks each year.

A photograph by Kalli Hicks Photography of a vintage Blue Ridge Parkway sign, in Asheville NC as the leaves change .

With 469 miles of winding mountain roads, there is no wrong way when you're riding on this historic byway. We decided to head north, climb higher yet, to see what colors and adventures yet awaited us.

A photo by Kalli Hicks Photography of the autumn leaves changing on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Asheville.
A photograph by Kalli Hicks Photography, of the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville, NC.
A photograph by Kalli Hicks Photography of a curve on the Blue Ridge Parkway, Red ferns line the wooden guard rails, fog

As we made our way to the first overlook, the summer blanket of green was giving way to the speckled colors of autumn. Jeweled emeralds made way for garnet, ruby, and while sweet peridot trees awaited their glorious transformation in the weeks to come.

A photograph, by Kalli Hicks Photography, featuring the Blue Ridge Mountains in Fall.
A photography by Kalli Hicks Photography, featuring a line of cars heading towards her, above them a canopy of autumn leaves changing with mountains rising above the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Cars for miles, on every side of the parkway, each braking at the marvelous canvas before us. With parking space at a premium, many pulled down the service roads and enjoyed the cloudy stroll to the nearby overlook. Bustling with life and awe as we took it all in, people on the parkway were friendly and ready to share some kind words, as we were corporately awed at our heaven-made surroundings.

If you weren't careful, you could spend all day at each and every turn-off, not making it more than a mile into the diverse Appalachian woods.

But, I guess that is the joy of the blue ridge, no matter how far you go, or how long you stay, creation will have her way with you, and you will leave changed.




no matter how far you go, or how long you stay, creation will have her way with you, and you will leave changed.

A film inspired photograph of three women staring at the changing leaves of fall on the Blue Ridge Parkway.